Thanks for a year of almostfarmgirl!!! (And my trip to Costa Rica)

Hi Everyone!

It seems I’ve been gone for two whole weeks!  Weird.  And unintended.

Also weird?  It’s been just over a year since I started  Since then, almost 200 of you (between Facebook and WordPress followers) have started following this crazy ride on the ranch, and I am so thankful to each of you.  (I’m especially thankful to those of you who interact, and who I’ve gotten to know a little bit.  You guys know who you are.)  I just paid for another year of hosting, so here’s to the start of another year of this blogging adventure together.

To celebrate a year of blogging, I went to Costa Rica for a week.

Actually, that’s a lie.

I went to celebrate my sister’s 30th birthday.

You see, for Christmas this year, my mom gave me and my sister a trip to Costa Rica; she had earned the trips in her independent consultant work with Norwex, a company that specializing in environmentally friendly cleaning products.  (Just FYI, their dusting mitt is awesome, and I have never found a better way to clean windows and mirrors than with their enviro cloth and polishing cloth.)  She chose to give the incentive trips to my sister and I, partly because Chas’s 30th fell just on the other side of the trip.

So we traded this

The woods are lovely dark and deep

For this
Costa Rica

Between seventy-five and ninety degree temperatures in Costa Rica.  Between 20 degrees and negative twelve degrees back home.

I did feel bad leaving Jeremiah with the ranch, but I loved seeing the rainforest, and volcanos and the ocean.

Volcanos in the distance
Volcanos in the distance
Waves breaking on the beach
Waves breaking on the beach

I was playing in the surf wearing SPF Vampire to protect against the tropical sun…

Playing in the Surf
Playing in the Surf

Costa Rica

And my poor husband was shoveling the barn out of nearly a foot of snow.

Guys, I actually zip-lined through the Rainforest.  I saw Scarlet Macaws, and a Toucan, and Iguanas.  And I barely got sunburned at all, which is kind of a miracle.

Costa Rica

Swim up bar!
Swim up bar!
How cool is this tree?
How cool is this tree?

2015-03-03 13.06.29

Chas and I toured an organic coffee plantation.  (Seriously, don’t take your morning cup of coffee for granted; it’s loads of work to get it in your cup.)  We spent five days in Central America on the Pacific Coast and somehow managed the escape all but the very last harsh winter days of the season.

At the Rainforest Gala
At the Rainforest Gala

We spent our last night at the Norwex Rainforest Gala, before packing up and heading back to the states.

And, one delayed flight, one missed flight, one redirection to Chicago, one lost bag, and a three-hour car ride later, we made it home safe and sound…and completely exhausted.

I was ready to be back home.

2015-03-13 10.02.35

Because as awesome as that trip was, there’s nothing quite like watching my ponies and alpacas grazing from my kitchen window.

Thanks again for a great first year, everybody!  And, as always, thanks so much for reading.